mercredi 15 décembre 2010

mardi 7 décembre 2010


les images de chat... une seconde nature

samedi 4 décembre 2010

101 choses que je n'ai pas apprises à l'école d'architecture

5] Once you leave architecture school not everybody cares about architecture or wants to talk about it.

6] All eating habits and diets acquired during school should be jettisoned.

7] The hygiene habits you kept in architecture school are inappropriate for real life; bathe regularly and change your underwear.

8] The rush and exhilaration you experience in studio may be inversely proportional to how much you will enjoy working for a firm.

9] It’s architecture, not medicine. You can take a break and no one will die.

14] Go home to your family..

16] If you are working overtime, the firm buys dinner.*
*Contingent on office policies, of course.

23] At times respect and civility seem to be scarce commodities in architecture.

28] Your boss reads your blog.

30] There are no architectural emergencies that should make you completely give up your life on the outside. 

That may have been the ethos in studio, but don’t carry it into the office.

31] Be suspicious if your firm expects you to work long hours of overtime for no compensation. 

Be doubly suspicious if they justify it by saying things like, 
“It’s just part of the learning curve” or “We had to go through this, too.”

34] Don’t dress like an intern. See 72.

36] Expect to be regarded with suspicion if your undergraduate degree is not in architecture.

40] If a principal of a firm sees making coffee or moving boxes as beneath him/her, 

consider looking for another office.

41] If a principal doesn’t say good morning when you say good morning to him/her, 

consider looking for another office.

49] If you are an architect you should automatically qualify for psychotherapy and medication.

50] Most architects believe they were destined to become architects because of their early childhood experiences. 

They showed signs of architectural greatness at a very young age. 
This is a myth that reinforces an unhealthy hero complex. See 49.

55] Read books with words, not just pictures.

58] Do not date an architect unless you are certain he/she is able to maintain a healthy life outside of architecture. See 49.

59] Architects should not intermarry. Inbreeding is not good for the gene pool. See 49.

62] Architects who do not build things also have important things to say and should be listened to.

69] Keep in touch with everyone you know, especially if they aren’t in architecture.

70] In fact, make friends who are not architects.

72] Make sure your jeans are up-to-date. No acid-wash. No baggy.

75] Expect a period of post-traumatic stress disorder after you graduate. Do not make any important decisions during this time.

90] In one’s life there are a finite number of all-nighters one can pull. You probably used them all up in school.

99] Many architects do not live in houses designed by themselves or other architects.

Morceaux choisis!
Tout est confirmé.
Le reste ici: 

jeudi 2 décembre 2010


neige, neige, NEIGE! 

into the wild - remake

le beau chalet... oui heinnn!

après la luge...


les bronzés - remake
merci merci pour le week-end!

vendredi 26 novembre 2010

vraiment fanatique


Habitat 67, Montréal, avec Fannie en visite!

five roses

jeudi 25 novembre 2010


froide ballade,
Montreal samedi 20. 

mardi 23 novembre 2010

comme un dimanche

Mile end, Montréal

jeudi 11 novembre 2010


monde sans pitié

mardi 9 novembre 2010

ciel de mon mardi

Chez nous, 17.35 aujourd'hui.
Déjà pris en photo des dizaines de fois... oui,
mais jamais pareil

lundi 1 novembre 2010


Mile end, Montréal

vendredi 29 octobre 2010

mardi 26 octobre 2010


Le pont, Bld Rosemont

le bon côté des choses

station Berri-UQAM, Montréal

vendredi 15 octobre 2010

lundi 11 octobre 2010

French thanksgiving

hmmm... merci à la "french toulousaine connection"!

dimanche 10 octobre 2010

le repère

Sur un air d'Orange mécanique dans Hochelaga...
la nouvelle maison de jipi

mercredi 29 septembre 2010

Juillet en souvenirs


 Le départ d'Eglantine